作者:管理员    发布于:2016-08-31 15:01:28    文字:【】【】【

1. H. J. Zhao*, W.J. Wu, W. Zhou, Z. X. Shi*, V. R. Misko, and F. M. Peeters, “Reentrant dynamics of driven pancake vortices in layered superconductors”, Physical Review B 94, 024514 (2016).

2. W. Zhou, X. Z. Xing, W. J. Wu, H. J. Zhao* and Z. X. Shi*, “Second magnetization peak effect, vortex dynamics, and flux pinning in 112-type superconductor Ca0.8La0.2Fe1−xCoxAs2”, Scientific Reports 6, 22278 (2016).

3. X. Li, Y. F. Zhang, F. F. Yuan, J. C. Zhuang, Z. M. Cao, X. Z. Xing, W. Zhou, Z. X. Shi*, “Fabrication of Nb-Sheathed FeSe0.5Te0.5 tape by an ex-situ powder-intube method”, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 664, 218 (2016).

4. X. Li, Y. F. Zhang, W. Zhou, F. F. Yuan, N. Li, Z. X. Shi*, “Enhancement of Superconductivity in FeSe0.5Te0.5 by Furnace Cooling”, Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism 29, 1193 (2016).

5. X. Li, J. X. Liu, S. N. Zhang, L. J. Cui, Z. X. Shi*, “Fabrication of FeSe0.5Te0.5 Superconducting Wires by an Ex Situ Powder-in-Tube Method”, Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism 29, 1755 (2016).

6. X. T. Guo, H. C. Bi, A. Zafar, Z. Liang, Z. X. Shi, L. T. Sun* and Z. H. Ni*, “Investigation of dodecane in three-dim-Ensional porous graphene sponge by Raman mapping”, Nanotechnology 27, 055702 (2016).

7. Wenjuan Wu, H J Zhao, Wei Zhou and Z X Shi*, “Equilibrium states of pancake vortices in layered superconductors: coupling of inter-layer ordering and in-layer ordering”, Superconductor Science and Technology 29, 105007 (2016).

8. Xiangzhuo Xing, Wei Zhou, Nan Zhou, Feifei Yuan, Yongqiang Pan, Haijun Zhao, Xiaofeng Xu and Zhixiang Shi*, “Anisotropic Ginzburg–Landau scaling of Hc2 and transport properties of 112-type Ca0.8La0.2Fe0.98Co0.02As2 single crystal”, Superconductor Science and Technology 29, 055005 (2016).

9. Liqiang Che, Tian Le, C. Q. Xu, X. Z. Xing, Zhixiang Shi, Xiaofeng Xu, and Xin Lu*, “Absence of Andreev bound states in β-PdBi2 probed by point-contact Andreev reflection spectroscopy”, Physical Review B 94, 024519 (2016).

10. Z. T. Liu, X. Z. Xing, M. Y. Li, W. Zhou, Y. Sun, C. C. Fan, H. F. Yang, J. S. Liu, Q. Yao, W. Li, Z. X. Shi, D. W. Shen* and Z. Wang, “Observation of the anisotropic Dirac cone in the band dispersion of 112-structured iron-based superconductor Ca0.9La0.1FeAs2”, Applied Physics Letters 109, 042602 (2016).

11. X. Z. Xing, C. Q. Xu, N. Zhou, B. Li, Jinglei Zhang, Z.X.Shi*, Xiaofeng Xu*, “Large linear magnetoresistance in a transition-metal stannide β-RhSn4”, Applied Physics Letters 109, 122403 (2016).

12. C. Q. Xu, X. Z. Xing, Xiaofeng Xu*, Bin Li*, B. Chen, L. Q. Che, Xin Lu, Jianhui Dai, and Z. X. Shi, “Synthesis, physical properties, and band structure of the layered bismuthide PtBi2”, Physical Review B 94, 165119 (2016).


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