作者:管理员    发布于:2016-09-02 11:21:42    文字:【】【】【

会议名称:the 29th International Superconductivity Symposium (ISS2016) 

会议邀请人:Dr.Toshihiko Kanayama

会议时间:December 13-15,2016
展示文章摘要提交截止日期:September 16,2016
网上登记日期:November 18,2016

Dear past participants in ISS2013, ISS2014 and ISS2015

Now the invited speakers list has been almost fixed for the upcoming 29th International Symposium on Superconductivity


(ISS2016), to be held in Tokyo, Japan, December 13

-15, 2016. Six plenary lecturers and more than thirty-five invited speakers have been confirmed. Please check at the symposium website(https://www.tia-nano.jp/ascot/iss2016/index.html).

The symposium will be held at Tokyo International Forum, located in the heart of Tokyo. ISS2016 is organized by the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) for the first time. Please note that the ISS was launched back in 1988 after the discovery of copper-oxide-based high-temperature superconductors and held annually sponsored by the International Superconductivity Technology Center (ISTEC) until last year.

abstract submission deadline is extended to September 16, 2016, and the deadline for on-line registration is November 18, 2016.

We sincerely hope that many of you will attend the symposium andsubmit abstracts. If you have any questions about the symposium or would like more information, please contact us atISS2016contact-ml@aist.go.jp.

We look forward to seeing you in Tokyo!

-ISS2016 Secretariat


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