The 33st International Symposium on Superconductivity (ISS2020)
作者:管理员    发布于:2020-07-28 16:34:43    文字:【】【】【

Dear past participants in ISS2016, ISS2017, ISS2018 and ISS2019:

    We are very happy to be able to inform you about the ISS2020, i.e. the 33rd International Symposium on Superconductivity (ISS2020) will be organized on 1-3 December 2020, at AIST Tsukuba, Japan. You also can join in this symposium through the virtual meeting rooms in Webex.

Our website is now ready for your registration and abstract submission. The registration fee is free of charge.

We are planning to invite the most aggressive and advanced scientists in Physics and Chemistry(PC), Superconducting Electronics(ED), Superconducting wires and Bulks(WB), and the Large Scale Applications(AP).

All the participants can choose your presentation preference for your meeting room,

        1. at venue in AIST Tsukuba

        2. at virtual in Webex.

All the sessions – Plenary, Invited and Contributed Papers are planned  to be presented by oral.

All the social events will be closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic situation. Please understand present inconvenience.

The abstract submission will be closed on 16 September 2020, and the on-line registration will be closed on 1 November 2020.

Please feel free to forward this information to any interested colleagues. We are very happy if you wish to stop our future information by e-mail. If you have any questions about the symposium or would like more information, please e-mail to info@iss-secretariat.org. The ISS2020 symposium official website is  https://iss2020wlg.jp/ .

We look forward to seeing you at venue Tsukuba or virtual meeting rooms in Webex!


ISS2020 Secretariat


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